[GRASS-dev] g.copy rast=

Martin Rutzinger Martin.Rutzinger at uibk.ac.at
Mon Feb 19 08:07:29 EST 2007

hi list,

with the recent cvs version of grass63 g.copy for raster maps doesn't work any
more. i just get a meaningless 'memory access error' (speicherzugriffsfehler).
runinng configure, make, make install gives no error messages.

g.gisenv set="DEBUG=5"

g.copy rast=raster1,raster2
D3/5: Copy rast
Copy <raster1 at hohenems_site> to current mapset as <raster2>

r.info raster2
D2/5: G__home home = /home/rusch
WARNUNG: Kann Header-Datei [raster2 in hohenems_site] nicht öffnen
WARNUNG: Kategorie Unterstützung für [raster2] im Mapset [hohenems_site]
WARNUNG: Kann die History-Informationen der Karte [raster2] in Mapset
         [hohenems_site] nicht finden.
WARNUNG: Kann range Datei für [raster2 in hohenems_site] nicht lesen.
FEHLER: Kann die Wertespanne nicht lesen.

the problem appears on FC4,FC5 and FC6 aswell with following configuration:

FLAGS='-g -Wall' ./configure  --with-x --enable-shared --with-proj
--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/local/include
--with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 --with-freetype-libs=/usr/lib
--enable-largefile --with-odbc --with-motif  --with-freetype=yes --with-cxx
--with-glw --with-nls --with-blas --with-lapack
--with-lapack-libs=/usr/local/lib --with-ffmpeg
--with-ffmpeg-includes=/usr/local/include/ffmpeg --with-sqlite
--with-proj-share=/usr/local/share/proj/ --enable-64bit --with-python

i don't know which libs/pkg are used by g.copy; but i tried different versions
of e.g. gdal ( gdal-1.3.2/gdal-1.4.0/gdal-svn; tcl/tk8.5a5/tcl/tk8.4.14) but it
seems to me that it's not dependent on a certain version of a package.

thanks alot!

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