'' Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: GRASS-TNG

Radek Bartoň xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Wed Feb 21 15:05:15 EST 2007

On Wednesday 21 of February 2007 19:42:32 you wrote:
> Hi,
> Yet Another GIS Soft. I don't thik, that we need Yet Another, as there
> are lot's of existing and good project, that just lack manpower to
> keep up with growing requirements for GIS software.
> I don't want to sound like troll, thus will ask two simple questions:
> How You plan to make Yours project to succeed (hiring developers, other
> way?)? How Your product is going to differ from already existing projects
> ant they goals?
> There are lot of existing projects in different languages with different
> goals: GRASS ;)
> QuantumGIS
> uDig
> gvSIG
> + different web based projects etc.

I think that I answered a lot of your questions in e-mails sent between your 
and this reply.  Here I only stress these things:

 - GRASS-TNG aims are not to develop independent GIS software but define how 
should GRASS look like inside to be more extensible and modern in development 
and module way. If that look will occur compatible with current state of 
things it can be completely assimilated.
 - If I leave out time spent on inventing, describing and discussion ideas by 
people from comunity it should be just one person work. This does not mean 
that I want to do it only myself. Eveyone who share my ideas can join, but 
anyway it'll be a diploma work so there should be some kind of entirety 
within work I'll do.

> I suggest to take look at SAGA first - it's working, it's modular,
> it's C++. Maybee would be better to improve already existing
> programms?

I've seen this project too. I really thought very long time if I shouldn't 
join SAGA team but in the end I decided for GRASS because of three reasons:

- SAGA is mainly GUI oriented and GRASS don't or at least wasn't :-) I love a 
way how can one use GRASS with command line. Of course they are some task 
that coudn't be done without it (such as v.edit, v.pyedit).
- GRASS is well known, I mean it has wider comunity base and interest from 
Linux distributions.
- I came across with GRASS first :-).

> And, yes, IMHO it's more easy to learn how to drop together some C
> lines to get new GRASS module, than learn how to do same in C++ with
> all GUI stuf. That's why I like GRASS - I can help GRASS development
> eaven if I'm not a programmer/coder.

Just my attitude: C is powerfull when you want to implement something 
optimally but to realize abstract ideas quickly and clearily it's poor.

Bc. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: blackhex at jabber.cz

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