[GRASS-dev] Wingrass and TclTk

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Nov 1 09:49:18 EDT 2007

Benjamin Ducke wrote:

> >> BTW, the use of "ldd" by v.in.wfs is entirely bogus:
> >>
> >> 	# xerces support compiled in?
> >> 	OGRINFO=`which ogrinfo`
> >> 	if [ -z "`ldd $OGRINFO | grep xerces`" ] ; then
> >> 	  g.message -e "OGR needs to be compiled with xerces-c support"
> >> 	  exit 1
> >> 	fi
> >>
> >> This needs to be changed to something which will work on other
> >> platforms. Does "gdalinfo --formats" suffice?
> As far as the Win binaries are concerned: why not just ship them with
> Xerces support in GDAL?

The problem isn't that v.in.wfs requires that GDAL was built with
xerces support, it's that the way that it checks for that support
won't work on Windows (or anything other than Linux or Solaris).

> >> Also, we don't really need all three of lynx, wget and curl; any one
> >> of those would suffice.
> > 
> > IIRC lynx is used to strip off HTML tags, ie to convert .html to .txt.
> > 
> > r.in.wms (wms.download) checks for wget. If it can't find it it then looks for
> > curl. (Apparently curl comes with MacOSX but wget doesn't)
> That's correct (at least for Mac OS 10.4 as far as I can tell).
> Both are tiny little things, though, so how much harm
> would it do to pack them both?

If it only needs one, there's no point in including both.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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