r.support [was: Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: 7.x Status Update (Glynn Clements)]

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Aug 7 11:16:59 EDT 2008

On 07/08/08 06:29, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Michael Barton wrote:
>> **r.support - Need some way to access raster metadata.
> Of the four sub-modules:
> 	modhead -> r.region
> 	modcats -> r.category
> 	modcolr -> r.colors
> 	modhist -> ???
> The functionality built into the front-end module is mostly
> non-interactive, and can be cannibalised.
> So that just leaves editing the history. The obvious non-interactive
> solution is a module (or two) which allows the history to be read from
> or written to a text file.

r.support already allows non-interactive editing of most of the 
meta-data, including history (r.support map history="xyz"), so wouldn't 
it be enought to "just" disable the interactive functionality ?


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