[GRASS-dev] terminology issues in grass7

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 17:49:59 EDT 2008


2008/8/9 Maciej Sieczka <tutey at o2.pl>:
> In GRASS there is already a term "key column" (the column that links the
> category number with the table row). Since terms "field" and "column"
> are sometimes used interchangeably, and term "key column" is already a
> part of GRASS terminology, using "keyfield" for something different will
> lead to confussion.
> May I suggest "table link" in place of the current "layer" then? So each
> vector map can have multilpe "table links", and each "table" can have
> it's own "key column".

nice idea, "table link" or "dblink" make sense to me.

> As to "voxel" and aliases (i.e. "3D raster", "G3D", "volume", "GRID3D",
> "3d cell") - could we just stick to "3d raster layer"? A little longish,
> but plain obvious and conforms to "(2d) raster layer", "(2d/3d) vector
> layer".

+1 for 3d raster layer

BTW which elements we can discard in GRASS7?

rast  OK
rast3d  OK
vect - OK
oldvect - ?
asciivect - ?
icon - ?
labels - ?
sites - remove?
region3d - should be removed
group - OK
3dview - remove?, no support for TCL/TK Nviz ?


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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