R: [GRASS-dev] Build winGRASS with Python and wxPython

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 11:09:11 EST 2008

Ciao Marco,

2008/2/27, marco.pasetti at alice.it <marco.pasetti at alice.it>:
> >There is a separate dev Windows package that you need to instal for
> wx-config
> oh... I thought it must exist! ;-) but I still didn't find it... I'll look
> better...
> >That said, you don't need to install this unless you want to try to
> >compile the new in-development digitizer. Most people are still
> >having difficulty compiling this and I know that Martin is actively
> >working on it. It would certainly be helpful to him if you wanted to
> >try compiling the digitizer in Windows--but this isn't necessary to
> >run the rest of the wxPython GUI.
> mhhh... confused! if I don't have wx-config I cannot enable the new wxPython
> GUI! (configure fails)

--with-widgets (and --with-python/c++) doesn't influence wxPython GUI
itself only compiling digitizer component (gui/wxpython/vdigit).
Python scripts from gui/wxpython are copied to $GISBASE/etc/wxpython
regardless you compiled vdigit or not. Compilation of vdigit is not
straightforward on Linux machines (requires wxPseudoDC from wxPython),
seems to be not possible on Mac (AFAIU). I will try to find better
solution ASAP.

> >You don't need to enable Python in GDAL to use the wxPython GUI. But
> >perhaps you are trying to enable Python in GDAL for other reasons?
> Yes, you're right. I'm working on a new MSYS environment for GRASS, and I'm
> trying to build the most options as possible to let user work on and test
> them in WinGrass (even if I'm not personally able to use those options).
> If you tell me what data GRASS Makefile needs from wx-config file, I could
> modify configure and Makefile in order to work without wx-config

Only gui/wxpython/vdigit/Makefile.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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