[GRASS-dev] Re: 'g.gui wxpython' won't work in wingrass as wxgui is a shell script

Ivan Shmakov ivan at theory.asu.ru
Thu Feb 28 13:04:59 EST 2008

>>>>> Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> writes:


 > I thought the whole reason to have a C-based g.gui was to avoid the
 > use of *nix specific bash shell scripts for launching GUI's. That way
 > they would work on all systems without the hack of having to rewrite
 > *.sh as a *.bat. Why can't the C-code just do the job of the old
 > shell scripts and directly launch the GUI code in TclTk or wxPython.

 > The shell scripts are only a convenience anyway, as these could be
 > launched from the GRASS command line with a bit more complicated
 > command--e.g., python "$GISBASE/etc/wxpython/wxgui.py" &

 > The name of the initialization module for each GUI (e.g., wxguy.py in
 > wxPython) could be set to a variable in init.sh (or its successor) to
 > avoid hard coding it in C.

	It may be a stupid question, but what scripting language is
	proposed to replace POSIX Shell in GRASS?  The GRASS environment
	seems to benefit a lot from relying on a Shell-like language.
	E. g., I could hardly imagine using any language other than
	Shell for the following:

$ g.mlist type=rast pattern=2008-\*-temperature \
      (while read r ; do
           s="$r"-celsius ; r.mapcalc "\"$s\" = \"$r\" - 273.15" ; \

	(Surely, there's an Olin Shivers et al work [1, 2], but it seems
	to me that Shell is a bit easier to explain to a non-programmer
	than Scheme [3, 4].)

[1] http://www.scsh.net/
[2] http://www.scsh.net/resources/commander-s.html
[3] http://www.r6rs.org/
[4] http://www.schemers.org/

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