[GRASS-dev] thematic mapper broken in GUI - how can I tell what what was changed

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 21 22:20:27 EST 2008

Michael Barton wrote:

> How can I find out what the last change was in the SVN

go to http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk
click on [scripts/]
click on [d.vect.thematic/]
click on the REV number of the file you want (opp to ViewCVS)

or try ViewCVS mirror:

to view changes it's just like in MediaWiki.

alt. method from the command line

cd trunk/scripts/d.vect.thematic
svn up
svn log description.html

> (or CVS if it was there)?

CVS change history has been ported, so it's there too back to 1999.
only rev. numbers are different.


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