[GRASS-dev] WinGRASS Wiki Hacking

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Fri Jun 27 14:53:04 EDT 2008

Hi Glynn,

I'm stretched in time (electronic systems exam ongoing) , but I try to join 
the thread a bit;

> FWIW, I've just built GRASS (SVN head) under MSys/MinGW, and the only
> libraries which I needed to compile from source were XDR, PROJ, GDAL
> and Tcl/Tk[1]. For the others, I used either the project's own
> binaries, or those from GnuWin32.

good to know; probably something has changed since I tried the first time to 
use them.
in the past I had problems to build GDAL with external libs and enabling 
jpeg support in libtiff, using libjpeg from gnuwin32, obviously.

> [1] I had to commit a fix to NVIZ to get it to compile; the previous
> change neglected to conditionalise some X11-specific code.

it compiles without changes for me

> [2] I had to copy libfftw3-3.dll to libfftw3.dll. I suppose that we
> could extend the configure check to try -lfftw3-3.

it works as libfftw3-3 for me, but I compiled it by myself; IIRC the 
gnuwin32 build has been configured differently than mine... but I'm not sure 
about that

> [4] Actually, I haven't tried using a pre-compiled Tcl/Tk binary. I'm
> not sure that we should recommend the ActiveState version due to the
> licensing terms.

since it's very fast to compile, also on MinGW, I would higly prefer to 
build from source, as I currently do

> I suppose that wxPython is probably the most important omission. The
> main issue here is the lack of python-config on Windows.

I didn't spent much time on it (I tried only few times to let it work 
without success, but I really didn't seriously try...), but I guess that the 
soultion would be here: http://wxconfig.googlepages.com/

> In the meantime, can we put the binaries for XDR, PROJ, GDAL and
> Tcl/Tk on the GRASS site? We really shouldn't be forcing people to
> compile these themselves before they can even start trying to compile
> GRASS. Especially XDR, PROJ, and GDAL, which are mandatory
> dependencies.

I'm currently providing a MSYS build environment, with all the libs/bins I 
build from source for GRASS, but they are "all together"; I could provide 
"divided" binaries for each library, if you prefer.
On this w-e I'll send to Markus an updated version of the MSYS build env, 
with some upgrades and the add of the jpeg lib and support. Along with it 
I'll upload (to release) a new winGRASS binary release (the fourth for 



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