Providing source code along with binaries - was Re: [GRASS-dev] WinGRASS-6.3.0RC5 Self Installer

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at
Wed Mar 26 05:14:14 EDT 2008

On Mar 26, 2008, at 2:53 AM, Moritz Lennert wrote:

>> If we/us/PSC decides that we want to provide all (!) the needed  
>> source
>> code packages, we need a systematic approach. I still don't think  
>> that
>> we should just throw stuff into the mswindows/ directory.
> No, if we use the same sources for different platform binaries then  
> it should be enough to host them once, including possible platform- 
> specific diffs. But at the current state, I don't think we are in  
> that situation, except for the outdated Fedora binaries.
> What exactly is the issue: is it limited disk space on the OSGeo  
> servers ?


If it would be helpful, I would be happy to host the source and  
binaries at <>. I have "spare" hard disk space and  

I would have to post a disclaimer that we did not create the binaries  
and are in no way responsible for any issues or support for them.

If you are interested, contact me (off list) and I can create a  
directory and FTP login for the directory...


Jeshua Lacock, Owner
phone: 877.240.1364

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