[GRASS-dev] removal of status messages from the vector cleaning fns

Markus Metz markus.metz.giswork at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 19 11:37:24 EDT 2009

Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a bit frustrated by this change:
> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fvector%2FVlib%2Fbreak_lines.c%4034284&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fvector%2FVlib%2Fbreak_lines.c%4033769
> "Eliminate non-standard logging mechanism"
> basically Vect_break_lines() and friends had its own custom G_percent()
> thing going on and that's been removed and not been replaced by
> anything.
I added G_percent and G_verbose_message in grass7 r36493 to all cleaning 
functions present in the vector libs, the cleaning functions present in 
v.clean also have now G_percent and G_verbose_message. I was not aware 
that there was something similar but non-standard in pre r34284, that 
was before I started working on the vector libs.

Should these calls to G_percent and G_verbose_message in the cleaning 
functions be backported to 65 (and 64) ?

Vect_break_lines_list is terribly complicated code, I had a look at it 
but could not come up with good ideas to speed it up. So even if you see 
progress with G_percent, you may see not a lot of progress...

FWIW, I added in r36493
G_percent(iline, nlines, 1);
and not
G_percent(iline, nlines, 3);
because it really is very slow.

Markus M
> The problem I have with that is those functions can take literally
> hours to run and all progress messages have been completely removed
> from them. Now there is no idea to tell how long these jobs are going
> to take.
> I tried adding in 
> lib/vector/Vlib/break_lines.c
> +       if (G_verbose() > G_verbose_std())
> +           G_percent(iline, nlines, 3);
> but I'm not sure if it will work / if I put it in the right spot.
> so far my jobs been running for about 30 min and it's still sitting
> at 0%.   :-/
> thanks,
> Hamish
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