[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #760: Location wizard: region, UTM, search for EPSG

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 24 21:10:45 EDT 2009

#760: Location wizard: region, UTM, search for EPSG
 Reporter:  helena           |       Owner:  grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
     Type:  defect           |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  major            |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
Component:  default          |     Version:  6.4.0 RCs                
 Keywords:  Location wizard  |    Platform:  MacOSX                   
      Cpu:  OSX/Intel        |  
 Here are few Location Wizard issues - there may be more:

 Apparently Universe is still there for UTM, see here

 if startup has grassdata but I create location in tgrassdata using wizard
 it tells me that I will need to change into tgrassdata
 but then it asks whether I want region I say Yes and then I get Error in
 command execution g.region because
 wizards g.region still looks into grassdata and tells me that the location
 does not exist -
 it needs to look into tgrassdata for the new location or skip the region
 creation in this case.

 EPSG search works but if I type name North Carolina it picks up the first
 one and moves on - would it be possible to select all that have North
 Carolina in it and then the user selects one of them?
 Searches for projection and for Elipsoid already do it, which is very nice
 (you give it search for  Lambert and you get all 3 that are there)

 For the chose projection when you type UTM into projection code and click
 Next nothing happens - this is because you should type utm so it is not
 clear what to do next or what is wrong - maybe an error message that UTM
 does not exist? to make the user scrolls down and looks for the correct

 If I select datum with associated elipsoid and then pick up nad83 it again
 does not do Next and it is not clear what is wrong

 At least the region issue and UTM search should be addressed before
 release, I believe


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/760>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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