[GRASS-dev] WinGrass65 + import gui_modules.nviz_tools as nviz_tools: ImportError

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Jun 4 01:10:59 EDT 2010

Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

> hi,
> >----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> >Von: Martin Landa
> >
> >probably yes, I will do some testing in trunk (ctypes are currently
> >available only in trunk).
> I've tested it with WinGRASS-7.0.SVN-r42451-1-Setup.exe (nightly build) and the nc-sample-dataset.
> the 3d-view-tab is opened in the layer manager, but i get following error message:

>  File "c:/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass_trunk/dist.i686-pc-
> mingw32/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/wxnviz.py", line 43, in
> __init__
>  G_gisinit("")
> NameError: global name 'G_gisinit' is not defined

This implies that the grass.lib.grass module wasn't built correctly.

> it seems the path is hard-coded to "c:/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass_trunk/dist.i686-pc-
> mingw32" and doesn't reflect the actual installation path "C:\Program Files\GRASS-70-SVN".

This looks like a packaging issue. The rules in Install.make should
handle this:

ifneq ($(strip $(MINGW)),)
	-sed -e 's#'@GISBASE@'#'$(INST_DIR)'#g' \
	     -e 's#'@LD_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR@'#'$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH_VAR)'#g' \
	     -e 's#'@CONFIG_PROJSHARE@'#'$(PROJSHARE)'#g' \
	-chmod a+x $(UNIX_BIN)/$(GRASS_NAME).py

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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