[GRASS-dev] v.in.wfs

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Thu Nov 11 13:43:08 EST 2010

Il 11/11/2010 18:31, Markus Neteler ha scritto:

> In the script there is a test if curl is installed.
> I have now added this requirement also to the manual.

Yes, but this makes the module unsuitable as a QGIS module, IMHO.

> What do you mean with "adding"? Or do you refer to the manual?

I mean, if curl is a dependency of GRASS, then it's ok. The end user 
should have everything installed before running a program, not being 
asked to install it during normal usage.

> ogrinfo --formats
> show the format on your system?

MMh, strange: apparently not, but http://mapserver.gdf-hannover.de is read.
All the best.

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