[GRASS-dev] Re: ctypes problem with Vect_open_old

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 3 08:46:34 EDT 2011

Martin wrote:
> Can someone with Debian unstable test it?

sorry, I am away from my dev machine right now, but fyi if
someone wants to go to the trouble it is not too hard to set
up a virtual machine instance to do it. instructions for qemu-
kvm follow:   (kvm requires newish cpu + linux kernel; mac and
ms windows users could use Sun's VirtualBox)

# '-m' is memory to use in MB
# '-boot d' tells it to boot from the virtual-CD drive first (the ISO)


## create and install to a disk image
#kvm-img create -f qcow2 $IMG 20G
#kvm -hda $IMG -cdrom $ISO -m 1024 -boot d

kvm -hda ~/iso/VMs/$IMG -m 1024 \
   -cpu phenom -smp 2 -redir 'tcp:2222::22' \
   -nographic -daemonize

# (first time probably skip the '-nographic -daemonize')

## modify /etc/apt/sources.list to point to sid
#apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

# at this point I usually copy + bzip2 the fresh image.

#ssh -p 2222 user at localhost
#scp -P 2222 file user at localhost:

hope it helps,

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