[GRASS-dev] How many points in a point layer and v.surf.bspline questions

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon Jan 3 08:57:14 EST 2011

hi Doug,

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:26 PM,  <Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I aggregated all of the bare earth lidar points for the state of North
> Carolina into a single file  Imported all 8.5 billion points for NC into one
> point layer with no topology.  I was sort of curious to see if I could
> generate a seamless 20 ft elevation grid for the State of North Carolina
> from a single data layerusing bspline and  tried the following command:
> GRASS 6.5.svn (ncstpft_nad83):~ > v.surf.bspline input=all_nc_be_pts2
> raster=all_nc_be_20ft_bspline sie=40 sin=40 layer=0
> WARNING: Coor files of vector map <all_nc_be_pts2 at statewide> is larger than
>          it should be (158913789952 bytes excess)
> Cells for raster map <all_nc_be_20ft_bspline> will be interpolated
> ERROR: G_calloc: unable to allocate 18446744071812941729 * 8 bytes of
>        memory at dalloc.c:66

you are hitting the limits :) I dunno if large file support helps, but
for vector data
it is only available in GRASS 7 to my knowledge.


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