[GRASS-dev] visualize GRASS vector/raster on web

Mohammed Rashad mohammedrashadkm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:01:18 EST 2011

how to visualize vector/raster from directly from GRASS database?

I am building webGRASS. for that I linked GRASS GIS all libraries to my
application without any wrappers..
Now I can execute any grass command online. But for rendering I use
OpenLayers. I want to change OpenLayers and use a WPaintWidget to draw
raster and vector data

I can make this happen in this way
[1] call d.vect which will call v.out.ogr and create a gml file --> display
gml on OpenLayers.Map

Now I want to reduce the overhead by spawning different process like d.vect
--> v.out.ogr --> gml -->openlayers
I need rendering this way

[2] Read GRASS data directly from database (points/line/polygon for vector
and image pixel values from GRASS raster format
so the chain will be
GRASS Raster data --> (image pixel values) MyNewMapCanvas
GRASS Vector data --->(points/lines/polygons) MyNewMapCanvas

The reason behind my need is that on web it will increase speed and
efficiency when we read data from GRASS database directly

All I want to do GRASS GIS core language C/C++ to make a web application

it is possible because I am linking my website with required grass
libraries (libgrass_*)

Any help will be greatly appreciated..

   Mohammed Rashad K M
   M.S. (By Research) student
   Lab for Spatial Informatics
   Department of CSE
   International Institute of Information Technology
   Hyderabad, India
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