[GRASS-dev] seg fault of i.atcorr on quickbird

Yann dr.yann.chemin at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 10:47:55 PST 2016


trying to run i.atcorr on an image of Colombo.

i.atcorr --overwrite input=radxs.1 parameters=6s_b1.txt output=refxs.1

param file:

17                           - geometrical conditions=Quickbird
2 16 5.40 79.860 6.920       - month day hh.ddd longitude latitude 
("hh.ddd" is in decimal hours GMT)
1                            - atmospheric mode=tropical
2                            - aerosols model=maritime
15                           - visibility [km] (aerosol model concentration)
-0.001                       - mean target elevation above sea level 
[km] (here 1m asl)
-1000                        - sensor height (here, sensor on board a 
111                          - Blue band of Quickbird


wavelength  less  than  0.25  micron:
  let's take s(l)=s(0.25)



wavelength  less  than  0.25  micron:
  let's take s(l)=s(0.25)
Atmospheric correction...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I looked into the iwave.cpp, it seems OK. What is the wavelength being 
less than 0.25 micron, never seen that before...

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