[GRASS-dev] instructions to update my local copy of trunk

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 13:11:40 PDT 2019

Hi Vaclav,

El dom., 2 jun. 2019 a las 21:52, Vaclav Petras (<wenzeslaus at gmail.com>)

> On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 3:00 PM Veronica Andreo <veroandreo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi devs
>> Following instructions here:
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/HowToGit#Keepyourlocalsourcecodeuptodate,
>> I get:
>> [veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git remote -v
>> origin git at github.com:veroandreo/grass.git (fetch)
>> origin git at github.com:veroandreo/grass.git (push)
>> upstream git at github.com:OSGeo/grass.git (fetch)
>> upstream git at github.com:OSGeo/grass.git (push)
>> [veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git fetch upstream
>> remote: Enumerating objects: 242, done.
>> remote: Counting objects: 100% (242/242), done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
>> remote: Total 296 (delta 223), reused 233 (delta 217), pack-reused 54
>> Receiving objects: 100% (296/296), 56.83 KiB | 1.18 MiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (226/226), completed with 105 local objects.
>> From github.com:OSGeo/grass
>>  * [new branch]          changelog_fix_msg -> upstream/changelog_fix_msg
>>    3797ccaaf..b300e66fc  master            -> upstream/master
>>    1ca5e4e34..e1e13d782  releasebranch_7_4 -> upstream/releasebranch_7_4
>>    15f53e803..dcfce280b  releasebranch_7_6 -> upstream/releasebranch_7_6
>> [veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git branch -a
>> * master
>>   remotes/origin/master
>>   remotes/origin/releasebranch_7_0
>>   remotes/origin/releasebranch_7_2
>>   remotes/origin/releasebranch_7_4
>>   remotes/origin/releasebranch_7_6
>>   remotes/upstream/changelog_fix_msg
>>   remotes/upstream/master
>>   remotes/upstream/releasebranch_7_0
>>   remotes/upstream/releasebranch_7_2
>>   remotes/upstream/releasebranch_7_4
>>   remotes/upstream/releasebranch_7_6
>> [veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git rebase upstream/master
>> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
>> Fast-forwarded master to upstream/master.
>> [veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git status
>> On branch master
>> Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 51 commits.
>>   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
>> Why does my origin/master is now ahead by 51 commits, if I have not a
>> single local change? I just want to get the new stuff from upstream and
>> update my fork and local copy of the source code (what I used to do with
>> `svn update`).
> Your branch 'master' is ahead of 'origin/master'. You need to push to
> origin (something like `git push origin` but I think little different, Git
> will tell you).

but I haven't made a single change... that's what I don't get. How can I be

BTW, you can compare what you seen on GitHub with what you see locally, e.g.
> git log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline  --max-count=10

what am I supposed to see there? If I change to 50, i see:

[veroandreo at localhost grass7_trunk]$ git log --graph --abbrev-commit
--pretty=oneline  --max-count=50
* f01aa67cf* (HEAD -> master) *i18N: sync from Transifex
* 9d983ac94 Py2/Py3 compat: Use "gettext.install(..., unicode=True)" in
Python 2.
* 65a5a96a6 PyGRASS GridModule silently ignores when module has no output
defined, see https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3852 (#21)
* e4835d475 v.db.addtable
* 3053328ae v.db.connect
* 85f000ebf r.stream.extract
* e5cfb9488 Python2 fixes
* e3ed0b7df super Python2 valide
* 196428874 added .github/FUNDING.yml
* 74f55730a r.out.mpeg fails because the output file name is empty
* e3418cbad change attribute/method argument name
* da230fe59 fixes
* 9a968d59e Draft intro added
* 6d0b0ded2 r.in.wms: add proxy for GDAL driver
* 94754df99 libinit: shorten GRASS prompt
* de48a8d77 r.cost/r.walk: check return code
* e9070421b libproj: fix support for PROJ6
* 29297bc2e segmentlib: malloc -> calloc
* efee46fc5 v.in.ogr: fix OGR extents
* 107e3a616 Travis-CI: enable ccache for faster builds
* f1d7d2394 svn2cl replaced with tools/gitlog2changelog.py
* e240b5a60 tools/gitlog2changelog.py: added
* 8036fa977 contributors.csv: email updated
* 67a759c39 translators.csv: email update (test for grass-commit ML
* 99cae4154 wxGUI/digitizer: fixes for python 3 (
* bf06fae1d lib/init/grass.py: Stop clearing the terminal
* 34e35a977 wxGUI About System: 'GRASS SVN revision' changed to more
generic 'Code revision'
* 2b570a9a0 GRASS_VERSION_SVN -> GRASS_VERSION_GIT + update g.version
* 97a123681 update readme section - get write access
* 80072cf87 readme: Convert to markdown and add travis badge
* ccb7b6b28 r.contour: fix broken contour lines (#3846), clean contour
lines tracing back on themselves
* c757924cc pygrass.gis: Make Region importable from grass.pygrass.gis
* 7f1dd0d9f pythonlib: fix encoding
* 9d4306801 fix tests for Python 3
* 8b9512b8b *(origin/master)* pygrass: fixing doctests (only for Python 3)
* ebe8eb958 pygrass: fixes for Python 3
* 4f2c2421e gunittest: when printing, it should be 'str' in py 2 and 3
* b29dda7dd t.rast.gapfill: fix tests
* b113de305 t.rast.univar: fix tests
* ec44b8432 pygrass: decode only if stdout/stderr not empty

Note the boldface. What does it mean?
I'm completely lost...

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