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Good news and bad news...
<p>GOOD (for WinNT users):
<p>1. Looks like I'm over the major hurdles in the IPC code.
I have several changes to send to the maintainer, but I am able to get
the IPC Message Queues to connect/send/receive/disconnect. (Still
more to do: clean up code a bit, increase the number of queues and
increase message buffer sizes look like the first priority, but these should
be simple changes.)<br>
<p>2. d.mon programs (start, select, stop) are working for me, as
well as a VERY limited set of display commands on WinNT. I still
have some minor clean up and testing to do to make sure they are ready
for testing by others.<br>
3. d.erase and d.zoom seem to work. d.erase erased the little that
drew with d.rast, and d.zoom did a proper zoom for the little band of pixels
that d.rast created (see below), with a cursor, the zoom "rubber band"
box and the coordinates and prompts in the command window were in sync
with the graphics window operations. Probably a number of other commands
will work as well.
<p>In order to run "d.mon select" without code changes, I had to remove
the "#ifndef _CYGWIN_" and "#endif" statements that were in the switch
statement in src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER24/ipc.new/switcher.c ,
i.e. sandwiching the FONT and TEXT case blocks. Does anyone know
why these cases were being excluded? Is this a relic from the old
XFree port? These blocks of code seem to compile fine, and the "case
FONT" code block works with the recent XFree release for Cygwin.
I think this should be changed for both the original (fifo) version and
the ipc version.
<p>1. Limited success with the d.rast command. It only seems to draw
the NULL's. Using the Spearfish sample data, I did:
<blockquote>d.rast soils bg=yellow - it draws a yellow
band near the bottom of the X0 monitor window (several pixels wide and
the width of the window).
<br>d.rast soils bg=white - it draws a white band
where the yellow band was.
<br>d.rast streams bg=red - it draws a red band over
the bottom part of the white band
<p>From these and additional tests I am guessing that just the NULL pixels
are being drawn. Does this sound right?
<br>BTW: It was based on this limited result that I was able to test d.erase
and d.zoom</blockquote>
2. d.vect, d.sites and d.legend all hang up. They had
to be killed from a separate window.
<p>3. Win98 did not work. The IPC code by itself tested OK,
but the d.mon commands were hanging up. WinNT was used for the limited
successes above.
<p>I will keep looking at the IPC code and do the minor changes I mentioned
above. I also plan to keep on looking into the d.rast problems to
see if I can get this working. Suggestions are welcome.
<br> </html>
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