Hello people from GRASS 5<br>
<a id="lg_en" href="?&ik=fd265fc6dc&view=cv&search=cat&cat=GRASS_devel&th=108452ac0a7be419&lvp=-1&cvp=7&qt=&zx=o6zvt1fk6q81#" style="line-height: 80%;"><span class="menuckon"></span></a>
Recently I saw a discussion/post about how to create (and draw) new icons on GRASS.<br>
I have plans to use GRASS for ESI maps, but there is a problem: I need to have ESI symbols (see link below for an example).<br>
<a href="http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/type_subtopic_entry.php?RECORD_KEY%28entry_subtopic_type%29=entry_id,subtopic_id,type_id&entry_id%28entry_subtopic_type%29=312&subtopic_id%28entry_subtopic_type%29=5&type_id%28entry_subtopic_type%29=2">
So, this icons are a little complex for drawing. Is possible to include
SVG icons (or any vector /bitmap format) on GRASS? (Note: I know how to
do this on QGIS).<br>
Best Regards,<br>-- <br>Christian dos Santos Ferreira<br>Oceanographer. Msc.<br>Lab. of Fisheries Research and Hydroacustics<br>Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)<br>Rio Grande - RS - Brazil<br>Tel +55 (53) 32336528
<br>Website: <a href="http://poseidon.furg.br">http://poseidon.furg.br</a>