Hamish and Moritz,<br>
Thanks for your support.<br>
I will try to put ESI icons on GRASS using all your suggestions.<br>
PS: Hamish, I will contact ESI people to talk about copyright issues <br>
for this icons. If they say "yes", we will see a ESI icons pack for <br>
GRASS in a near future.<br>
Thank you.<br>-- <br>Christian dos Santos Ferreira<br>Oceanographer. Msc.<br>Lab. of Fisheries Research and Hydroacustics<br>Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)<br>Rio Grande - RS - Brazil<br>Tel +55 (53) 32336528<br>
Website: <a href="http://poseidon.furg.br" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://poseidon.furg.br</a>