<TITLE>how to set fonts for d.text.new</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>I’d like to put d.text.new into the GUI layer toolbar, since it now combines GRASS and freetype fonts, and works on all platforms as far as I can tell. <BR>
To make life easier for users, my plan is to allow them to also set the font in the same options panel. Give the discussions of a few weeks back that I sort of followed, this leaves me with several questions about how to do this in an easy, useful way, that doesn’t mess up other things.<BR>
Currently, d.font and d.font.freetype offer a non-interactive entry widget for typing in a font name and path. TclTk offers a built-in font selection dialog that I’ve used in some other modules (thematic mapping legends, PS text) that lets a users interactively select system fonts. Will these work with d.text.new? I’ll also leave it so that a user can type in something if they want. <BR>
Which is better to use for setting fonts in this way: d.font or f.font.freetype?<BR>
What will happen in the GUI is that d.font.freetype (or d.font) will run, followed by d.text.new. Will this affect the fonts in all subsequent layers (e.g., for legends)? If so, how can I put the font back to the way it was before running the font/text layer?<BR>
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology<BR>
School of Human Evolution & Social Change <BR>
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity<BR>
Arizona State University<BR>
phone: 480-965-6213<BR>
fax: 480-965-7671<BR>
www: <a href="http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton">http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton</a> <BR>