Hello,<br><br>I have some general questions about what ones can do with GRASS and what not.<br>I am not sure whether there is a viewer available to realize the following<br>funtionality in conjunction with GRASS: I want to visualize realtime data<br>(moving objects) over a map. Ideally it would be possible to have a<br>perspective view of the map like Google Earth or World Wind. Furthermore,<br>it would be nice to be able to select an object on the map (e.g. a building)<br>and to show it from the side in 3D (using OpenGL or sth. like that) in a<br>separate window. Therefore it should be possible to store such 3D information<br>(e.g. of the buildings) in a way to allow to extract the 3D model (based on<br>the coordinates on the map when it is selected) and to feed it into the<br>3D viewer.<br><br>So here are my questions in more detail:<br><br>Is it possible to<br><br>1. get the current camera view via asynchronous events every time the view<br>changes? Or do I have to solve
that with a polling mechanism?<br>- Do you have some sample code doing this, preferably in python?<br><br>2. display moving overlays<br><br>3. display movements and directions of 3D Objects in realtime, e.g. 10 fps?<br><br>4. doing all this using a scripting language like python?<br><br>5. doing this using standard protocols like TCP/IP or HTTP?<br><br>6. platform independent (OSes Linux, MacOS, Windows)?<br><br>7. extend the funtionality via plugins?<br><br>8. licensing conditions, GPL or sth. like that and having to disclose my code?<br><br>9. support for special input hardware like spacemouse, joystick etc?<br><br>10. Is there an API?<br><br>11. What is the resolution for regions like Europe (meters/pixel)? - What is<br>the best available and what does it cost?<br><br>You would greatly help me in answering a part of if not all questions<br>(which would be awesome!) since I try to figure out whether GRASS<br>is suitable for a medium sized research project I am working
on.<br><br>So if anyone could answer, many thanks in advance and best greetings.<p> 
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