Hello<br>Thank you for your comments on my module proposition and taking your propositions in account I was thinking of develop ping the module the following way<br><br>I will firstly create a library to create visibility graphs from a vector space containing obstacles ( polygons ). It will be completely independent of GRASS and I will put it in a subfolder of the folder
v.path.obstacles. I will then create a second layer which will use GRASS vector library and directed graph library to construct the visibility graph ( using the abstract library ), this will be in several files in the v.path.obstacles
. Then I will create a main file for the actual module which will be command based only with input a vector map and several points ( to compute several paths ) and output a vector map.<br>Once this is done, I think I could maybe implement a module
d.path.obstacles with a graphical interface similar to d.path. It will access the 2nd layer headers in the v.path.obstacles folder. Would that be the best way to do? Because otherwise I don't really see where to put it, except to add it in the directed graph library.
<br>So in fact I will create module in a structure similar to v.net.path and d.path ( a command line module only, and then a graphical interface ).<br>Would that make everyone happy?<br>Tanks,<br>Maximilian<br>