Hi all,<br><br>just though to say one thing that first users have trouble with.<br>In itself it is not a problem for half of them after few days of GRASS GIS, but the remaining part just cannot get used to it.<br><br>When processing is done, they think their new map is going to be displayed automatically (it is part of the processing to display output).<br>
<br>linked to this, they have hard time imagining that two-three windows make one software (I know, Windows users they are), I have to expelain that most GIS/RS software work this way, and that it has strong advantages (dual monitors for example, one for processing and one visualizing), and I prefer it that way as many of us I guess.<br>
<br>Just adding a little bit on what wall very first GIS users are banging...<br>Yann<br>