<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td style='font: inherit;'>Hello everyone,<br>Our module is almost ready to be tested. <br><br>The input needed is:<br><br>1) an elevation raster map<br>2) a precipitation pattern that maps each patch of the terrain with the amount of water (in cubic meters) above the patch.<br><br>This module computes the final height of the column of water that stands over each patch of the terrain, after the precipitation modelled by the precipitation pattern has reached its final distribution in the terrain. We assume that the amount of water is the same for all the patches in the terrain.<br>The problem of computing these final water heights is solved under the (unrealistic) assumptions that there is no evaporation of precipitation, neither seapage into nor erosion of the terrain and no surface tension and that the precipitation falls sufficiently slowly that dynamic phenomena such as waver can be
ignored.<br><br>Our next target is to compare the output of our module with the one produced by r.sim.water. We know that the r.sim.water module also computes these final water heights after a simulation-time of "niter" minutes, but we need to understand if the rainfall lasts for all the time of the simulation or if the final water heights are computed once the rainfall stops.<br><br>Regards!<br></td></tr></table><br>
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