I grabbed the 2.0 version of gshhs, released 2009-07-15, but can't import it into GRASS. The module doesn't return much in terms of error information.<br><br>v.in.gshhs in=gshhs_f.b out=gshhs_f --o<br>Using lat/lon bounds N=90.000000 S=-90.000000 E=180.000000 W=-180.000000<br>
ERROR: Error reading data<br><br>I've tried the various levels of detail (f, h, i, l) with the same result. Based on the readme file there may be some internal changes, but these are beyond me. Any thoughts?<br><br>
- Jamie<br><br>GSHHS 2.0 - <a href="http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html">http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html</a><br>