<span id="result_box" class="long_text"><span style="" title="">I'm
trying to access a grass vector map with python (2.6). </span><span title="">I'm using the svn version (revision 42 565) but keep getting
"Segmentation fault" when trying to open the file with Vect_open_old
(map, input, mpaset). </span><span style="" title="">The code I'm using
can be found here: <a href="http://osgeo.pastebin.com/VLGunxyq">http://osgeo.pastebin.com/VLGunxyq</a><br></span><span style="" title="">Can you please tell me I'm doing wrong (the same code
works well with python libraries generated with SWIG)?. </span><span title="">Greetings. </span><span title="">Thank you very much.</span></span><br><br clear="all">Ing. Fernando Pacheco M.S.L.<br><br>Ingesur srl<br>Dirección: Requena 1062 ap.302, Montevideo, Uruguay.<br>
Teléfonos: (+598 2) 408 90 48, (+598 9) 962 79 32<br>Web: <a href="http://ingesur.com.uy/">http://ingesur.com.uy/</a><br><br>