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Does anybody know a smart way to calculate for X rasters per raster
cell the rank order of those rasters? For example, if I have three
rasters X1, X2 and X3:<br>
X1 X2 X3<br>
1 3 2<br>
2 5 8<br>
5 1 3<br>
NA 8 2<br>
would give three new raster layers with the values:<br>
Y1 Y2 Y3<br>
1 3 2<br>
1 2 3<br>
3 1 2<br>
NA 2 1<br>
I am now reading the rasters in R and using a combination of apply()
and rank() function to create new raster layers:<br>
in <- c("X1", "X2", "X3")<br>
lyrs <- readRAST6(in)<br>
tmp <- apply(lyrs@data, 1, function(x){<br>
rank(x, na.last="keep", ties.method="average")<br>
lyrs@data <- t(tmp)<br>
I am sure there are better ways in R, but especially when dealing
with very large raster layers, I was hoping there is a way to do
this directly in GRASS GIS. Or otherwise, would it be difficult to
create a function for this?<br>