<div dir="ltr">When running a script (r.biodiversity) in GRASS 7.0 for Windows, I am getting the warning:<br><div><br>WARNING: Unable to rename cell file 'C:\GIS\GrassJvdS/latlong/YLD_NUT/.tmp/unknown/3988.0' to 'C:\GIS\GrassJvdS/latlong/YLD_NUT/fcell/Shan3_CA_Renyi_0_0': File exists<br>WARNING: Unable to rename null file 'C:\GIS\GrassJvdS/latlong_2005/YLD_NUT/.tmp/unknown/4100.1' to 'C:\GIS\GrassJvdS/latlong_2005/YLD_NUT/cell_misc/Shan3_CA_Renyi_1_0/null': File exists<br><br>The script does create the output files, but the NULL file seems to be messed up, as large parts of the map are rendered as no-data. Removing and then recreating the null file seems to solve the problem.<br><br>However, there still is another issue: <a href="http://r.info">r.info</a> shows that the range of
values is e.g., min = -0 max = 2.98928848941905. This is as expected.
Yet, when clicking on the map with the query button, the query results
show negative values.<br><br>I thought this was related to g.rename, but that function runs without problems. Perhaps something with permission: to run the script I just copied it to the script folder (c:/users/user1/appdata/roaming/grass7/addons/bin) (I did not install with g.extension because that does not seem to work for GRASS at the moment).<br><br>Running the same on Linux results in the correct map, with none of the problems listed above. Any idea what I am doing wrong / how this can be solved?<br></div><div><br></div><div>Paulo<br></div></div>