<div dir="ltr"><div><div>From the r.series manual I thought that the <em>file</em> option allows one to analyze large amount of raster maps
without hitting open files limit and the size limit of command line
arguments. Yet, when using the r.series with as input a file with 994 raster layers, I am still getting an error message about "too many open files" <br><br>GRASS 7.1.svn (Data_latlon):~ > r.series --overwrite file=a.txt output=Spec_rich method=count range=1,2<br>WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open<br> '/media/HD2/Data/GRASSdb/Data_latlon/VECEA_species/cellhd/maxent_v1_Hyparrhenia_rufa_rcp45_2055_ens_mean_wc60s_presabs':<br> Too many open files<br><br></div>The mentioned layer is the 551th layer out of a list of 996 layers.<br><br></div><div>Did I misunderstood this 'file' option?<br><br></div><div>Paulo<br><br></div><div>p.s., Running GRASS GIS trunk on Linux<br></div></div>