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Hi, on <a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/download/sample-data/" target="_blank">https://grass.osgeo.org/download/sample-data/</a> it is suggested
that the projection of the NC sample data set is NAD83(HARN) / North
Carolina ( EPSG 3358). However, according to the projection
information of the sample dataset it self, the projection is Lambert
Conformal Conic.<br>
The description on <a href="http://georepository.com/" target="_blank">http://georepository.com/</a> reads that NAD83(HARN)
/ North Carolina uses the NAD83(HARN) geographic 2D CRS as its base
CRS and the SPCS83 North Carolina zone (meters) (Lambert Conic
Conformal (2SP)) as its projection. So I see where the LCC is
coming from. <br>
If, however, I create a new location with EPSG 3358, the name of the
projection (g.region -p) is NAD83(HARN) / North Carolina. <br>
<br></div><div text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Which of the two should be given / shown with g.region -p I am not sure, but I think it would be good to be consistent.<br><br></div><div text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Paulo<br>