[GRASSGUI] Problem with r.in.gdal

Carlos Isorna isorna at idecnet.com
Tue Nov 25 07:45:14 EST 2003

I'm trying to import a jpg image with r.in.gdal using the GUI and when I 
click "run" button nothing seems to work and the window remains open. I 
also tried to import the image in the grass shell whith the command 
r.in.gdal and get a "segment violation" messege.
Anyone knows what the problem is?
In other computers I run this command properly.
Thank you!!!


Carlos Isorna Suárez
 isorna at ctm.ulpgc.es 
 Tfno: +34 928 452956 Fax:+34 928 451243
 Centro de Tecnología Médica  http://www.ctm.ulpgc.es
 Universidad de Las Palmas de G.C. - Spain

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