Hello,<br><br>I have some questions about the capabilities of GRASS GIS concerning<br>multiple views and display/storing of realtime data:<br><br>We have a desk with a view of a terrain (2D view from top, optionally<br>3D from the side would be nice) and onto the desk are tablet PCs each<br>with a magnified portion of the underlying terrain (i.e. the views are<br>different from each other).<br><br>Is it possible with GRASS GIS<br><br>1. That when the user interacts with one view (in the tablet PC ), he<br> also manipulates (shift, zoom, change layer) the other view (in the<br> desk)? If not yet, would GRASS GIS be customizable to do so?<br>2. When using GRASS GIS with WMS/WFS/WCS, display of realtime vector<br> data coming in from sensors like GPS signals overlayed over the 3D-<br> map (terrain)? The architecture would be an additional data source<br> (to WFS and WCS) with the GPS signals and the WMS puts
them<br> together to one raster image and sends them to the multiple views?<br> By the way, the views (in the tablet PCs and onto the desk) are<br> different, not identical. Another architecture (and better one, I<br> think) would be that the data from WMS, WFS, WCS and the GPS come<br> from different servers to the clients (instead via the bottleneck<br> of only via the WMS like above) and the clients (onto the tablet<br> PCs) do the "merging" of the data into one view each by themselves.<br><br>So it would be nice to realize such an architecture, if possible<br>solely with GRASS GIS or, if reasonable, together with UMN MapServer<br>and/or GeoServer (for transactional WFS to be able to write back<br>annotations on the map and changes made in the vector data).<br><br>So if someone could tell me whether the above scenario is realizable<br>with GRASS GIS and estimate how much effort it would
take, you would<br>greatly help me.<br><br>Thank you in advance and<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Peter.<br><p> 
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