[GRASS-PSC] Open issues regarding OSGeo Incubation

Massimiliano Cannata massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
Mon Mar 12 07:26:31 EDT 2007

With reference at the arnulf mail, i was looking for adding the voting procedure....

Here it is how it could be....

= Operation of the PSC =

The PSC has its own public [http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grass-psc Mailing List]. 

A dedicated [http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grass-psc Mailing List] exists for the purpose of PSC discussions. When a decision is required of the PSC, it will be presented by any member to the 
mailing list in the form of a proposal. A decision will then be achieved 
by discussion of the proposal on the mailing list until a consensus is 
reached. Voting on issues is also permissable and may be used as a means 
to reach a consensus or, only in case of extreme cases of disagreement, to 
force a decision. The [[PSC Agenda]] lists all open motions. 
The voting procedure is outlined as follows:
* Any PSC member may call a vote on any proposal by submitting the call to the grass-psc mailing list;
* A voting session is opened on the proposed topic;
* All the PSC members are requested to express their vote with one of the options: -1, -0, 0, +0, +1;
** 0 express no preference, 
** -0 and +0 express some degree of preference (- negative and + positive),
** +1 express a clear preference (- negative and + positive).
* The memeber calling a vote is responsible for collating votes and presenting the result to the 
* The voting procedure is closed when a consensus is reached or in case of disagreement XXX?????
* The memeber calling a vote will present the result to the graas-dev mailing list

Some question arise to me:
- One major point is the end of a voting session..... when it happens? only with consensum? or maximum after 2 week?
- As Paul asked: Should a single -1 kill a vote (ie. unanimous)?  There are ten of us on the PSC.  In theory, a +9/-1 vote will get killed.

Please add comments and answer, so that i could paste it in the wiki...


Arnulf Christl wrote:
> On Fri, March 9, 2007 05:29, Paul Kelly wrote:
>> Hello Arnulf
>> (Thanks for giving this a kick...)
>> On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> [...]
>>> These are the open issues:
>>> 1)
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/GRASS_Incubation_Progress#Community_Functioning
>>> * "See RFC1 for a proposal.
>>> * "Acceptance pending"
>>> Could you please consider voting for RFC1 in a regular meeting or pick
>>> up
>>> the discussion so that we can get through with this?
>> I strongly feel that RFC1 as it currently exists in the CVS is not
>> workable as a guidance document for the GRASS PSC, for reasons related to
>> the composition of the GRASS PSC and the current decision-making process
>> for GRASS development as I have previously posted to this list.
>> Hence I have already proposed a re-write of RFC1:
>> http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-psc/2006-December/000168.html
>> Scott Mitchell proposed some changes that I am happy to go along with:
>> http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-psc/2006-December/000170.html
>> Apart from that no other PSC members have provided feedback. I could
>> interpret that as a positive sign, but that would be incredibly
>> presumptuous on my part - thus I still await feedback. FWIW I would
>> definitely *not* support adoption of RFC1 in its current form.
>> Paul
> Hi,
> I have completed merging and formatting, please have a look at it now:
> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/RFC1_Development_Page
> The part on voting still neesds to be done. Please someone link the
> corresponding document or paste the section there.
> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/RFC1_Development_Page#Operation_of_the_PSC
> Although it might seem like it, I am not in a hurry and not trying to push
> anything (how could I anyway...). Please take all the time you need.
> Best regards,
> Arnulf.
>>> 2)
>>> Question: "Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in
>>> the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation? "
>>> Answer: "Partially. This will occur once the GRASS Community approves
>>> the
>>> incubation."
>>> I will remove that answer and replace it with a clear Yes. If you don't
>>> mind. Well, its a Wiki, so I already did that.
>>> 3)
>>> There are 148 files as of 3/2007 left without reference to "General
>>> Public
>>> License". Markus is already working on them. He will probably not need
>>> any
>>> help from you.
>>> When these issues are resolved I would like to propose GRASS for
>>> graduation.
>>> If you have any qualms with this process, OSGeo, me or any combination
>>> thereof, feel free to contact me.
>>> I will report this to the OSGeo Incubation Committee now.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Arnulf.
>>> --
>>> Arnulf Christl
>>> http://www.wheregroup.com
>>> [1] this is actually a reverence to the straight history of GRASS
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>>> grass-psc mailing list
>>> grass-psc at grass.itc.it
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