[GRASS-PSC] grass man translation

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sun Feb 24 08:52:54 EST 2008

It turns out the author would like to get a letter from us - see  
below - who writes such a letter?
Is it really needed? Should this be raised with OSGeo too so that we  
have some common procedure?
I think that we need a quick answer for Nicholas and then
find a broader solution and include a link with relevant info to all  
man documents,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Nicolas Karanikolas <karanik at topo.auth.gr>
> Date: February 24, 2008 3:22:22 AM EST
> To: Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu>
> Subject: Re: Dear Helena, Nicolas from Greece
> Υes it is about this material you are talking about.
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass63/manuals/html63_user/index.html
> In some cases I canged a lot of things, text pictures etc., but in  
> others I follow your text
> and I also use your pictures.
> Offcourse there is a line in the beginning which is the basic  
> reference of the book.
> it says something like
> "This whole book for open source gis, grass and qgis is based on  
> the manual pages the reader can find in the following  
> addresses ..." and offcourse there is a reference at the end.
> I just would like to write something like that "the print of the  
> book comes by courtesy of the authors and the core team of grass  
> and qgis"
> And if you could give it to me writen this would be the best for  
> me. I would place your page at the beginning of the book.
> The qgis seems not to have a problem with this, allthough I hope  
> that they will give me their final answer  in the next days.
> Finally I would like to say that there is no profit from this book  
> for me, but there will be an isbn from the editing.
> Thanks for your answer, and I hope to hear from you soon,
> Nicolas
> On 24 Φεβ 2008, at 2:45 ΠΜ, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> Nicolas,
>> which material are you talking about? Is it the collection of  
>> manual pages
>> with basic intro listed here:
>> or some other tutorials?
>> many tutorials are published under creative commons license and
>> you can modify and distribute it (including printing) as long as you
>> credit the source.
>> If most of the writing and examples are yours then you are
>> the author and you can do what you want. Just reference the manual
>> where appropriate.
>> If the text is the same or almost the same as the english original
>> you should still be able to print it and distribute to your students,
>> but I can see that we do not have explicitly stated license for the
>> manual, so let me raise the issue with the steering committee to
>> make sure that it is stated on the web.
>> How do you handle the QGIS part? Do you have some explicit
>> permission from the steering committee?
>> thanks for asking - it is a good question that needs to be resolved,
>> Helena
>> On Feb 23, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Nicolas Karanikolas wrote:
>>> Dear Helena,
>>> My name in Nicolas Karanikolas
>>> I teach cartography and GIS in a Greek university.
>>> A few months ago i started making a translation of the Grass  
>>> manual and after a lot of changes I prepared a greek manual  
>>> according to my student needs.
>>> In the Greek manual I have allready referenced the grass manual  
>>> but I didnt print it because i still dont have the right to  
>>> translate the english manual.
>>> Is there any way for me to print my book which is about Grass and  
>>> Qgis???
>>> I mean could I somehow take a letter from the Grass team in which  
>>> they will say that I have the right to print my book using as  
>>> basework their work in the english manual??
>>> I am not sure if you are the person I should contact but  
>>> unfortunately I dont have any other mail adresses.
>>> Could you please help me???
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Dr. Nicolas Karanikolas
>>> Greece

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