[STATSGRASS] grass, gstat, and 3d maps

Javier andresjavier.garcia at wanadoo.es
Mon Apr 22 08:35:07 EDT 2002

Hello all;

When I try to use a site list with 3 dimensions, (and a couple of attributes also), with gstat, the file can't be read.
I've tried to use it in the same way that I use the usual 2d maps of Grass with Gstat. I mean that in the first line of the 
command file to use as input for Gstat, I don't specify the row containing the data.

I've tried to specify the columns in several ways with no success.
Is it possible to read these maps directly from grass? If so, how do I specify the z column and the column of data of 

Thank you in advance for any help
Javier Garcia

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