[STATSGRASS] Urgent help: lost of link with PostgreSQL

Pelfer PG&G pelfer at tin.it
Wed Apr 23 16:29:44 EDT 2003


During my work with PostgreSQL 7.1 tables this morning, computer shutted 
down because electric power supply stopped.

When I restarted computer, I could not restart postmaster using

/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start

because the answer was FAILED (that is, NOT OK).

My PC is used like server and client for PostgreSQL at the same time. I 
lost any link with my databases.
For Postgres installation I get Redhat 7.2 and I use rpm file.

Do you know what I need to do for restarting postmaster and recovering the 
link with my databases?

Any help will be highly appreciated!!!

Thank you in advance

Giuliano Pelfer
PhD Student in archaeology (Ancient Topography)

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