[STATSGRASS] problems with installing maptools package (due to Foreign package)

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 14:03:08 EDT 2007

I'm configuring my new debian lenny, and as I was installing R and the
related spatial packages I've faced some problems with maptools
package setup.
I've installed R via apt, from the debian official repositories. The R
versione installed is 2.5.1.
Then I've run the usual commands:

install.packages(c("sp", "maptools", "rgdal"), dependencies=TRUE).
(Are these packages still enough for gstat?)

Everything seems to have gone ok for sp and rgdal (having previously
"apt-get-installed" libgdal1-dev and the other 27 Mb of
The problem has come with maptools setup which har raised an error
when trying to load "foreign" package for lazy loading. The exit error

"This is R 2.5.1, package 'foreing' needs >= 2.6.0"

What should I do? It seems there's an inconcistency between the
packaged versions, but I can I upgrade to 2.6 *without* compiling it?

Thanks in advance,

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