
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Apr 7 15:57:23 EDT 1992

    |I've been asked the following:
    |The i.cluster program requires more than one band ("group")-
    |If I wanted to try an unsupervised classification on a NDVI
    |band alone, am I out of luck here?  I suppose I could try 
    |using AVHRR band 1 or 2 and the NDVI - but I'm not sure if 
    |that would give proper results.  Any comments?
    |Anyone have a handle on this?

When I wrote i.cluster, I made it require 2 or more bands. That could
easily be attributed to my novice status as an image processing/
statistical inference person at the time. There is probably no good
reason to require 2 or more bands except that the original code
I was working from would divide by 0 if there was only one band.
Anyone interested in seeing how the 2 band restriction can be lifted?


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