Row col ---> State Plane ???

Lee Thomas olo at
Wed Aug 5 09:50:22 EDT 1992

Hello Grass users!

I have a problem... I have a SPOT Image that we had SPOT rectify to our
State Plane Coord. system.  We have imported it into Grass (no problems), and
would now like to see how this image looks with our vector information (DXF).
We created a new location in Grass that is uses State Plane, then I used
r.out.ascii to output our SPOT to ascii (7094x7382 pixels = 140MB of ascii
data).  I used sed to edit the header data in the ascii file.  SPOT gave
use the S.P. coordinate for the upper left pixel, and the width of each pixel
(32.808 ft.) so I just calculated the other coordinates.  Is this the right
way to do this?  I keep getting a error (ERROR: data conversion failed at
row 7094, col 983) that doesn't make sense because I loked at that location
and there is nothing wrong with it!  Also why does this take over 2 hrs. on
a IBM 320H to read the ascii file?  When finally bombs it leaves 
a file that is 136MB in a .tmp directory.  What is this file and why is it
so big (normal raster files we have are about 52MB).

Thanks for your help!

-Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas                              Voice: (512)322-6386
Systems Specialist                        FAX: (512)322-6350
City of Austin Electric Utility      Internet: olo at

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