Network of SUN cpu's and GRASS

Mark S. Gregory mg at
Tue Aug 11 18:11:42 EDT 1992

I would like to visit with someone who is running GRASS on a network with multiple SUN cpu's.

At present, we have a series of SUN SPARC 1+, 2, and IPX cpu's on a LAN.  We have been successfully running GRASS on two of the cpu's for some time.  In order to properly run GRASS, however, we have had to load and compile the entire GRASS package on an individual cpu.

1.  We would like to know if there is any way to maintain only part of the GRASS package on individual cpu's yet still perform processing at the local machine.  We could then locally mount disk systems from any desired machine within the network.

2.  Alternatively, we could rlogin into a host cpu with GRASS and perform our processing remotely.  When we have attempted this option, we have only been able to utilize GRASS commands which do not require a GRASS Graphics Monitor.  When we try to start a monitor remotely we get the following sequence:

   GRASS 4.0 > d.mon x0 not found
   Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
   Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
   Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
   Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
   Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
   Mapset <mark> in Location <imagery>
   GRASS 4.0 > 

We are not sure if we have different libraries on the different machines of if it is as simple as not having our monitorcap properly set.

3.  If we can solve problem #2, can two users (from two different cpu's) simultaneously run GRASS on the same cpu with their own monitors?

I would greatly appreciate information concerning any of these questions.  I would also appreciate in-sight into the pros and cons of the different processing alternatives (everyone rlogin into a single cpu versus individual cpu processing) or other possible network alternatives.

Thanks in advance.



Mark Gregory                                 mg at
Division of Agriculture                        (405) 744-6417
Oklahoma State University

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