Problems with ppm and preview2 drivers

Ferdinando Villa villa at
Wed Dec 9 13:06:41 EST 1992

Hello! I am having problems with the -just compiled - ppm and preview2
paint drivers. They cannot paint raster files (malloc fails) and when
requested to print a vector file the begin an unending painting process
which creates infinite-sized files. The behaviour is identical for both
drivers (they say PANEL 1 OF 169878 or so....). Preview works just fine.

Has anyone got the same problem? Thank you

Ferdinando Villa, dr.

Institute of Ecology                     Direct phone: +39-521-905615
University of Parma                               FAX: +39-521-905665
Viale delle Scienze                      e.mail: villa at
43100 Parma, Italy                               villa at

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