r.in.erdas problems

Roger Slothower sloth at chinook.cit.cornell.edu
Mon Jul 20 11:46:39 EDT 1992

Thank you for your notes on ERDAS/GRASS.  I still cannot get r.in.erdas to work, 
although I have tried many things.  I am sure that it is related to the new 
header format, which should be trivial (if programming is ever trivial!)  for a 
GRASS programmer to fix.  What amazes me is one or two notes I saw that should 
that some people were getting way beyond where I got.  

I took Tom Nelson's advice and stripped off the first 128 bytes using dd, 
transferred the rest,  and then entered the GRASS header manually.  It worked 
and I can get by with that for now. 

I would like to encourage a programmer somewhere out there to modify 
r.in.erdas to query for the appropriate ERDAS rev number and to ask whether it
is 4,8, or 16 bit data.

Comments and ideas appreciated.

Roger Slothower                                    sloth at chinook.cit.cornell.edu
Department of Natural Resources                    (607) 255-9423
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853                          

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