d.colortable bugs (features?)

Richard Wagener wagener at gown.das.bnl.gov
Fri Jul 24 17:48:11 EDT 1992

Environment: GRASS 4.0 on a Sun SPARC OS 4.1.1, openwin 3.0

d.mon start=x0
d.colormode float
i.composite # this creates a colortable that cycles through each
            # color-index in steps of 51, i.e. 6 x 6 x 6 color cube,
            # see e.g. Shapiro's article of July 7 re: GRASS color
            # tables.
d.colortable map="output from i.composite" lines=30 cols=40

This produces 6 columns of 30 plus 1 column of 29 for a total of 209
color squares.  N.B.: 209 != 6*6*6=216
Quite obviously the colorsquares cycle through 5*5*5=125 colors after
which there are colors which apparently are SHARED with various other

Could somebody please enlighten me?
Tschuess ...rick...
Richard Wagener				| 
Bldg. 426, rm. 43			| IP: wagener at bnl.gov
Environmental Chemistry Division	| DEC: 44048::rwagener
Brookhaven National Laboratory		| phone: 1-516-282-5886
Upton, New York 11973, U.S.A.		| fax:   1-516-282-2887

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