v.reg on moon/incoming

Phil Chaney phil at spock.uark.edu
Fri Jun 12 09:43:57 EDT 1992

Hello fellow cartographers,

  I have written a "C" program/script to simplify the process of
registering a USGS 7.5' Quad Map. The program is menu driven,
and has comments with instructions. The source code is on
the "moon" in the "/incoming" directory. The files are called 
"v.reg.c" and "v.reg.README". Please notify me if you have any
comments or suggestions.

   The program is specifically designed for North Latitudes and 
   West Longitudes. This can easily be modified. 

Good Luck,



Phillip L. Chaney  	Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
Research Specialist	National Center for Resource Innovations-SW
			12 Ozark Hall 
			University of Arkansas
			Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
			Phone: (501) 575-6159
	       		       (501) 575-4575
                        FAX:   (501) 575-3846
			E-mail: phil at spock.uark.edu

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