Can't start xgrass

Claus Huettermann srb180 at GINA.UNI-MUENSTER.DE
Thu Jun 25 14:32:48 EDT 1992

I have just installed xgrass without any problems, but I can't start it !!!
When I try it, I get the following message :

Setting GIS_LOCK failed; not enough memory.

I can't believe it. We have a SUN SPARCstation IPX with 40MB memory and I
don't think that there are too many processes running. 
Can anybody help us, please ?! It's really urgent.

Oh, by the way, we have another (older) problem with GRASS4.0 on a RS6000.
I can't start a graphics monitor. When I try to type "list -f" for a list
of available monitors, I see : Error reading from graphic device. Un -
expected <EOF> from driver.
Has someone already solved this problem ?

Thanks in advance,

Claus Huettermann
Institut fuer Geographie
4400 Muenster (Germany)
E-mail-address:srb180 at

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