elevation raster maps

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue May 5 10:46:48 EDT 1992

The elevation values are stored in the raster(cell) file, not the
category file. The category file is really just to label nominal maps.
Look at the "cell_misc/<elevation-map>/range" file to see what the true range of
data values is and you will see what r.slope.aspect is seeing - instead
of 1-1420 it may be more like 1200-1420. Or look at the color table file.

|I have an elevation map and it has no elevation values associated with
|the cats file.  In fact, I have brought files in from DEMs and from xyz
|values and never have any elevation values associated with the cats
|file.  For example, a cat file looks like this:
|# 1420 categories
|0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
|0:no data
|When I do r.slope.aspect it must be using the values between 1 and 1420 to do
|the calculations and not the true elevation data.
|How do I get the elevation values?  Help, please!

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