
Robert Linton rlinton at
Thu Oct 8 23:21:07 EDT 1992

It seems that there has been some limited work in transfering files to and from

Most noteably 

anabel at (Anabel Donadios and Alberto Buendia)
jhartman at (Jan Hartmann)

Though we haven't been able to procure any code as yet.

So we here at CSU tried exporting in dlg format from Genamap5.1 and 
importing dlg into Grass4.0,  but ended up with the following error message when
using v.import:
   ----- PHASE 1 ----->  Convert ascii dlg file to binary dlg file.

ERROR: Number of sides in the polygon defining the coverage
         of the map less than 4.
63500005007D+00     4     0     4     1                 0.147000000000000D+09   0.3600000
Another words the Dlg header is incorrect.
Dlg header line 4, data element 8.
ERROR(v.import):  Could not convert ascii dlg file: '/gis_disk/data/grassdata/jarvis/PERMANENT/dlg/cont.dlg.EE' to binary dlg file: '/gis_disk/data/grassdata/jarvis/PERMANENT/bdlg/cont.dlg.EE'
The header of the dlg import file looks like this:
Jarvis Creek                                                                    cont                                     1992, 1992    25000                    GENASYS DLG-3 OPTIONAL FORMAT                                                        3     1    55     2 0.63500005007D+00     4     0     4     1                 0.147000000000000D+09   0.360000000000000D+08   0.000000000000000D+00           0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00           0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00           0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00   0.000000000000000D+00           0.673966085773373D-02   0.637816000000000D+07   0.669454191562453D-02         0.10000000000D+01 0.00000000000D+00 0.00000000000D+00 0.00000000000D+00        SW       54.075140  147.184117         512000.00  5992000.00                    NW       54.237651  147.184117         512000.00  6010000.00                    NE       54.237651  147.458495         530000.00  6010000.00  

Can anyone shed some light on this.


Rob Linton                          |   Cynicism is usually lost on
Charles Sturt University - Murray,  |   on those that deserve it the
Albury, Austrlia.                   |   most.
Net: rlinton at             |   Space left blank purposely <     >


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